Reusing Spice Jars to Lift Your Spirits


Autumn is my favorite season (that is until winter, spring or summer come ‘round). After several months of blistering heat, I cannot wait to layer up. To wrap that perfect cozy sweater around my shoulders, light the fire, pour a glass, and let the rain fall.


It’s this time of year, where flowers become even more important to me. I’m a wild woman who needs to be in nature on the daily, and so when I start to feel a bit cooped-up, I bring the wild in. I surround myself with a piece of drift wood I found at my brother and sister-in-law’s cottage, rocks lovingly collected by me and the kids, pumpkins of course, funnily-shaped gourds, and flowers—everywhere flowers! In the bathroom topping the toilet, bedside for everyone, in front of the fireplace, on the table, by the kitchen sink, and another for good measure on the sideboard in the living room.

To make this feasible I use spice jars that I’ve cleaned to make mini-bouquets. They’re sweet and beautiful, and every time my gaze rests upon one I’m so grateful for nature, for the beauty that grows around us.


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